Dear Tahhan Child Care Families,

Welcome back to all returning families and a big WELCOME to all new families and staff.  My name is Mary and I am so proud and honored to serve and work with such an amazing group of parents this school year as 2016-2017PTA President.  We have some fun and exciting activities that will take place throughout the year!  Please visit the Tahhan Child Care PTA website or      Tahhan Child Care PTA Facebook page to keep up-to-date on the latest Tahhan Child Care happenings. Check it out and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.  

As the new school year begins, we would once again ask for your support by becoming a member and volunteer of Tahhan Child Care PTA so that we can continue making resources and learning opportunities available to our students and Tahhan Child Care staff.   Your membership allows the PTA to raise funds to provide a wide range educational enrichment programs.  Money raised through membership and fundraisers helps to fund exciting opportunities such as:

·         Book Fair                             •    Educational Assemblies             •    Great Artist Program

·         Field Trips                            •    Red Ribbon Week                        •    National Walk to School      

·         Mother & Son Event       •    Father & Daughter Dance         •    Muffins with Mom

·         Donuts with Dad              •    Mileage Club                                  •    Reflections (Art Workshops)

·         Family Reading Night      •    School picnics                                 •    Spirit Wear

                                                                        •    And Much, Much more…              

Your first opportunity to show your support will be by becoming a member of Tahhan Child Care PTA. We encourage each one of you to show your commitment by joining. The fee is only $7.00 per person; your child will bring an envelope home where you can purchase your membership.


As you probably know, it takes many hands and minds to support these programs and activities.  We Want and Need Your Help! Working together we can truly make a difference at school and in the lives of our children.  What better way to show our kids just how important their school is than by volunteering.  We have many ways in which Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Businesses can contribute to the Tahhan Child Care community.   Please be sure to review the list of volunteer opportunities.

We would like to thank you in advance for your support.  We would love to hang out with you, whether you have 5 minutes or 2 hours.  Please feel free to contact me or anyone on our Board. Have a wonderful school year and we look forward to seeing you at our first meeting on August 24th, 2016.





Mary Tahhan




Tahhan Child Care Elementary School PTA President  

lil lion.jpg

Go Tahhan Child Care Lions!                                      


PTA Links:


California PTA Website

National PTA Website

PTA Email