Student Handbook

Tahhan Child Care Elementary School


2015 – 2016


720 E. Plymouth St.

Glendora, CA 91740

(626) 335-8368






If a child is going to be absent from school, or late to school, parents are requested to either call the office before 9:00 a.m. or send a note of verification when your child returns.  If no phone call is received, our attendance clerk will telephone you.  The phone number for our office is (626) 852-4566.  If a child does not arrive at school, we want to be sure he or she is safe with you.


As of the 1998-1999 school year, California schools no longer receive funding from the State for any student absences from school.  A child must be in attendance in order for the District to receive payment.  We strongly encourage you to send your child to school except when ill.


If a family vacation must be planned during the school year and your child is out for five days or more, please contact our office to arrange for an Independent Study contract.  Otherwise, the absence is unexcused.




Adaptive physical education provides designated instruction and services for individuals with exceptional needs who have physical disabilities that require development or corrective instruction and which preclude their participation in the activities of the general physical education program.



Students are to leave school at dismissal time.  Since there is no adult supervision after school, students may not use the school as a play area.  Primary grade students, who must wait for an upper grade sibling to be dismissed, must sit quietly on the brick wall in front of the office or wait in the lunch patio area for upper grade dismissal.



Students are not to arrive before 8:00 a.m. (7:45 a.m. if they wish to have a cafeteria breakfast).  There is no supervision for students on our general playground until 8:00 a.m.  When students arrive, they should proceed directly to the playground area.  Neither students, nor parents, are allowed to wait in the hallways or classroom areas.  A warning bell is sounded at 8:10 a.m. indicating it is time to line up for pick up by teachers. Students arriving after 8:15 a.m. are considered tardy.  A late slip is needed from our office before a student may enter his or her classroom.  Tardy students disrupt the instructional program and miss valuable teaching by arriving late.  Students who are consistently late for school will be referred to the principal for appropriate action.



The importance of regular attendance cannot be over emphasized.  A child should be in school every day that he or she is physically able.  It is extremely difficult to successfully keep up with class work if attendance is irregular.  If a student is repeatedly absent or tardy without proper cause, our Child Welfare and Attendance Office will be notified.  Students who are excessively absent will be referred to the School Attendance and Review Board (SARB).



Each child is special in her or her own way and we strive to recognize that fact.  A student recognition program is coordinated through the Tahhan Child Care PTA.  Students are selected to receive awards by their classroom teachers.  Criteria for selection for an award may include good citizenship and/or significant effort, achievement, or improvement in a particular area.  Several Spirit Days will take place throughout the school year.  On these days, our staff and students show their school spirit by wearing their Tahhan Child Care t-shirts or sweatshirts or designated Character Counts colors. 








Bilingual instructional aides provide lessons for students with limited English proficiency.  They help pupils individually, or in small groups, with reading, writing, math, and oral language development.  The bilingual aide may also serve as an interpreter as necessary.  This service is available for all children who speak languages other than English and require additional support with English language development.



Tahhan Child Care Elementary offers a breakfast each day from 7:45 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. in the school cafeteria.  The price to purchase breakfast is $1.25.  For your child’s safety, do not send him or her too early since there will be no supervision prior to 7:45 a.m.  The breakfast includes offering of milk, fruit juice or fruit, and bread or protein products.  The breakfast menu is sent home each month.  Breakfast will not be served after 8:10 a.m. as students will be unable to finish before the tardy bell rings and will arrive late to class.



Daily bus transportation is provided for only those children who participate in our Special Education programs and live in attendance areas other than Tahhan Child Care.  For information about Special Education busing, please telephone our District office at (626) 963-1611.


Riding the bus is a privilege.  All students MUST follow safety procedures on the bus as specified by the driver.  The school law says, “Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for refusing transportation to any pupil.”  After school, students are to wait on the sidewalk in front of the school for the bus.  Polite behavior should be observed.  No pushing or disruptive behavior is allowed.


We also use bus transportation for fieldtrips.  Students are required to observe rules of SAFETY and GOOD CITIZENSHIP on the bus.  It is essential that students cooperate and adhere to regulations.  Students unable to follow safety regulations, or act responsibly, will be denied bus transportation.



A nutritious, hot lunch is served daily.  These lunches are served with a ½ pint of milk.  New menus are sent home with students each month.  Student lunches cost $3.  Students who bring a lunch from home may purchase milk for 50 cents.  Students may eat lunch in the cafeteria or outside in the pavilion when weather permits.  Provisions are made for free and reduced-price lunches for qualifying students.  Forms for free and reduced-price lunches are available in the school office.


Students are assigned a Personal Identification Number (PIN) which will remain the same while attending any school in the district.  Parents can add money to the account either at the district office, before school or online at  The school does not loan money to students for either breakfast or lunch.  Children who do not have a packed lunch or sufficient money to buy lunch will be told to use their PIN regardless if there is money in the account.  Students are allowed to overcharge their account, but payment is expected in a timely manner.


Forgotten lunches may be brought to the office.  Please be sure that the lunch container has the child’s name and room number on it.  Students without lunch should be reminded to check in the office to see if their lunch or lunch money was dropped off.   We do not interrupt classes to deliver forgotten lunches.  A drop box for lunch money is located inside the school office.  Money is picked up daily by cafeteria personnel.


Bringing gum, candy or canned soda to school is not allowed.  Grade levels are scheduled for different blocks of time to help facilitate arrival, departure and quality eating time for students.  Students are responsible for their own trash and to help maintain a clean eating area.  Appropriate cafeteria behavior includes quiet voices, walking, and polite manners.  Students who fail to meet these expectations will be removed from the general eating area.  Continued disruptions of this kind will result in further disciplinary consequences.





In order to provide a safe environment for students, our District implemented a program that uses specially trained dogs to sniff out contraband substances.  The dogs are used to detect illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, ammunition, firecrackers, recently fired weapons, and loaded guns.  At an unannounced date several times during the year, a handler and a dog will make a random visit to a few classrooms.  Students will be asked to leave the classroom during the brief time the classroom is checked by the canine team.



Balloon bouquets are too distracting and inappropriate for assemblies or in the classroom.  All bouquets (balloons, flowers, etc.) are not allowed and will be held in the office for the student to pick up after school.



Tahhan Child Care Elementary strives to provide a quality educational program which requires us to protect instructional time.  Calls to the classroom and cell phones can be extremely disruptive.  If an emergency situation occurs during the day, you may reach your child by contacting our school office at (626) 852-4566.  Children may use the office phone only in an emergency or with permission from their teacher.  Please make after-school plans prior to school.  Students may possess cell phones, but are restricted to using them only after school and must be deactivated (turned off) and kept in their backpack during the day.  Vibrate/silence mode is not considered “off.”  Any cell phone that is visible or heard by a staff member during the day will be confiscated and the student will receive a discipline referral to the principal’s office.  Confiscated cell phones must be picked up by parents.  Parents are not allowed to take pictures and/or videotape while on campus.  Non-compliance may result in removal from campus.




Be sure to notify the office if you change your address, telephone number, place of employment or day care provider within 10 days of moving.  If you move outside of Tahhan Child Care’s attendance boundaries, the office can assist you with information on obtaining an intra or inter-district permit, so your child can remain at Tahhan Child Care Elementary.



Once on campus, students are expected to remain until dismissal.  Students who leave campus without permission will be reprimanded and disciplined.  If a parent needs to take a child out of school during regular hours, the parent must sign the child out at the school office.  Please try to schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours so that your child will not miss valuable instruction.  In the event of illness or emergency, a child can only be released to the parents or persons listed as emergency contacts on your AERIES parent portal.  For this reason, it is important to keep this information current and update contact information as appropriate.



Report cards are issued every trimester.  Parent-teacher conferences are held in November and in March.  These conferences center on reporting a child’s progress, presenting test scores, and discussing goals for the student.  Report cards are given to parents during conferences and sent home with students at the end of the year.  If a student is not achieving at a satisfactory level in attitude/citizenship or academics, a progress report will be sent to parents mid-trimester.  Teachers are available for a conference at any time during the school year.  Please call our office to arrange a conference if you have a concern or contact your child’s teacher directly via email.



Please remind your child to use crosswalks when going to and from school.  Students and parents must use the crosswalk on the west side of campus.  Students and parents should not cross through the front parking lot.  Visibility is limited and this is unsafe.




Day care is available both before and after school from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for students in grades K-5.  Although housed at our school, the service is managed through the day care office located at Williams School.  If you are interested in this service, please contact the day care office at (626) 852-4586 for cost and other information.



By law, teachers may keep students up to one hour after class dismissal.  As a courtesy to parents, when a student will be detained after school for longer than 15 minutes, we will attempt to contact the parent whenever possible.  The reason for the disciplinary action will be communicated to the parent.


EMERGENCY CARD (now replaced with online version)

Up-to-date emergency information is required for each student.  The main purpose for including and confirming emergency contact information is to help us locate the parent or an authorized caregiver in the event of an emergency that involves a child.  Parents will complete this information online using the AERIES parent portal and by printing and returning the data confirmation sheet to your child’s teacher on the first day of school. If you have any changes during the school year of residence, home telephone number, work number, work location, day care provider, or other people who may pick up your child when you are unavailable, please update this information immediately using the online system.  If someone other than a person listed as an emergency contact is coming to pick up your child during the school day, we must have a written note from you allowing us to release your child to that person.  Without the note, we cannot release your child.  A student can only be released to someone who is 18 years or older.  Proper identification will be needed by parent/caregiver.



Tahhan Child Care Elementary School has an emergency preparedness plan that will be implemented in the event of any disaster.  The school will work with the Glendora Unified School District and the City of Glendora to ensure your child’s safety.  Fire and earthquake drills are conducted on a regular basis in compliance with state laws and school district policies.


Your child will remain in the care of the school in the event of a major disaster (fire, earthquake, explosion, etc.) until a parent or a designated comes to the school to pick up the child.  Please notify those designated persons that they are listed as an emergency contact.  The District and our PTA have worked diligently to provide us with emergency supplies including food, water, and first aid materials.  All emergency supplies are stored in the emergency bins on the playground.


In order to ensure the continued safety of all students, please follow the listed procedures when picking up your child in the event of a disaster:


  1. Come to the school as soon as it is safe to do so.  If possible, walk to school in order to leave room for emergency vehicles.
  2. Go to the gate at the west side of the campus by the cafeteria and form a line to pick up your child.  Please note we will not release any child until we have completed accounting for all children in attendance that day.
  3. In the event of an evacuation, our primary evacuation site is Sandburg Middle School.
  4. Give your child’s name and room number or teacher’s name to an adult at the gate.  Remember–only a parent or person(s) designated as an emergency contact will be allowed to pick up students.
  5. After signing to release your child, you will be directed to a waiting area.  Wait there and your child will be brought to you.  If your child is injured, you will be escorted to him/her.



A field trip is considered to be a trip designated to provide or enhance students’ learning opportunities not otherwise available at the school.  The purpose includes stimulation of interest, culmination of a unit of study, gathering data and providing an additional/supplemental learning activity.  As an integral part of the curriculum experience and an extended opportunity for factual and ethical learning and interpersonal skills, these trips must be appropriate to the students and class subject.


FIELD TRIPS (continued)

Students will not be allowed to go on a field trip without a Field Trip Authorization Form (No. 793).  You will need to check that you have reviewed this information and give your permission when completing the data confirmation information.g  These permission slips accompany students on any field trip.  For safety and security reasons, all students must go and return from the field trip on the bus.  Siblings are not permitted on field trips.  Some field trips may require special arrangements regarding lunches and/or clothing.  Lunches must be in paper or plastic bags with your child’s name on the bag.  Do not include plastic or glass containers that need to be returned.  Cell phones and electronic equipment (game boys, I-Pods, etc) are not allowed on field trips.  Students are responsible for all personal items (hats, sunglasses, water bottles, etc.) as chaperones can not be responsible for holding items for students.  Prior to each classroom’s field trip, an awareness note will be sent home to notify parents about the planned field trip, along with a Field Trip Notice regarding lunches.  Please read all information carefully so that your child will be properly prepared. 


Occasionally parents are asked to act as chaperones on their children’s field trips.  Please be generous with your time.  It’s usually a good learning experience and enjoyable for parents, too!  After many years of participating in field trips, our experiences have taught us that the safest and most efficient ways for all children to learn and enjoy themselves are for children and chaperones to follow the procedures below:


  • Siblings – this is a day for you to spend quality time with the child enrolled in the class taking the field trip.  Siblings are not permitted on field trips.  You are also being asked to supervise other students and siblings can be a distraction.
  • Money – this is a “school” experience; please refrain from buying treats or souvenirs for your child and his or her group.  This will enable all children to be treated equally.
  • Cell phones – please limit your cell phone usage for emergency purposes only, as we need your assistance in supervising students.
  • Transportation – please keep in mind that all students must go to and return from the field trip on the bus.  Teachers are not permitted to sign students out of school during a field trip.



The Foundation is a non-profit organization that is committed to raising funds for Tahhan Child Care Elementary School.  The Tahhan Child Care Elementary School Foundation is a group of volunteers comprised of parents, teachers, and the principal who meet monthly. The Foundation has raised funds for technology, children’s garden, playground equipment, Science Night and Reading Night.



Each spring students in the second grade may be referred by teacher or parents for testing for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program.  All third grade students are tested for GATE each year.  To qualify for the GATE program, a student must demonstrate achievement superior to that of his or her chronological peers.  The GATE program is for students in Grades 3, 4, and 5.  GATE students are clustered in a classroom for differentiated instruction in all curricular areas.



If your child becomes ill at school, the school office will notify you as quickly as possible.  Therefore, it is important for each family to complete an emergency card each year and keep the information up-to-date.  In some health instances, your child may be required to check in through the office or bring a note from a doctor; you will be notified by office personnel.  If your child has any allergies or serious medical problems, please inform your child’s teacher and the school office.  All medication will be dispensed from the office.  However, the school may not administer medication without a form completed and signed by both parent and prescribing physician.  This form is available at our school office.  Under no circumstances are students to bring medications (either doctor-prescribed or over-the-counter) onto campus.  This policy is for the protection of all students and school staff.  In the event of serious accident, the paramedics will be called and the parent will be contacted immediately.


Vision and hearing screening is given to students in Grades K, 2, 5, and Special Day Class.  If a problem is detected, parents will be notified by a letter from the District nurse advising parents to seek professional testing.



Because of individual differences and needs of students, purposeful homework will vary from day to day and from student to student.  The teacher will assign homework that will help students to develop good study habits.  Assigned homework may be an extension of the school day or involve special reports and/or projects.  Parents can help their children with homework by providing a place to study, setting aside a special time each day for homework, assisting with drills (math facts, spelling words), and listening to oral reading.  Although a goal of homework is to help the child develop responsibility, your child may need help in making sure that the work is completed and returned on time.  Remember that the homework is assigned to the child, not to you.  Check with the teacher if assignments are not clear or the child is spending an inordinate amount of time on the homework. 


If homework is dropped off in the office throughout the day, the office staff will leave a note for the teacher to send the student to the office to retrieve his/her homework.  The office will not interrupt the classroom to send for the student.


Encourage neatness.  On weekends, when your child is not assigned homework by the teacher, but you would like your child to do some home study, the following assignments are recommended:


  • Read ** Read ** Read
  • Practice math facts, letters, words, etc. with flash cards
  • Practice handwriting
  • Write a story or report on a topic of interest  
  • Write a letter to someone
  • Work on Study Island, Moby Max, Reading Eggs, Reading Express to practice reading and math skills



If your child will be out of school for five days or more for an unexcused reason (family vacation), please notify the school office at least five days in advance so arrangements can be made for an Independent Study Contract.  Without such a contract, the absences will be unexcused and the state funding will be lost.



The Intervention Support Team (IST) is a regular educational function.  It is a process of reviewing individual student problems and planning alternative instructional strategies to be utilized in improving student achievement and/or behavior.  The IST works with staff and parents as a team to review individual student strengths and weaknesses.  The team identifies the major problems, develops strategies, delineates responsibilities, and provides mutual support for implementation.  Teachers and/or parents may refer or request a student to the IST.  Parents may contact their child’s teacher to begin the referral process or request may be generated by the classroom teacher.



Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at any time during the school day without permission from the school office.  A request that a child be excused from classes early should be sent to school with the child on the morning of the early dismissal.  The time and reason for leaving should be included.  When possible, medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.  A child will only be released to parents unless the school has been notified by the parent/guardian that they have granted permission for someone else to pick up their child.  Students must be signed out and picked up in the office by an adult who is listed as an emergency contact.



Students visit the Tahhan Child Care library weekly to check out books for pleasure and/or use with class assignments.  The school library is also used as a reference center under teacher direction during class time.  Students assume responsibility for books when checking them out.  Please help your child take proper care of them as we will expect reimbursement for lost or damaged books and materials at the end of the school year before grades are released to parents.




Children who misplace an article of clothing, lunch box, etc. should check in their classrooms and the Lost and Found located behind the main office.  Check in the office for smaller items, such as glasses and wallets.  In order to reduce losses, please write the student’s first and last name on each item.  The school cannot accept responsibility for any personal property.  Throughout the school year, items not claimed are donated to a local charity.



The school may not administer medication (prescription or non-prescription) without a form completed and signed by both the parent and prescribing physician.  This form is available in the school health office.  Medication should be kept in original containers and must be checked in at the office.  It will only be dispensed by office personnel.  Please refer to Health Services for more specific information.



Please inform the school office in advance if you anticipate a move to another school.  This will ensure that the proper transfer forms and report cards can be completed.  Please remember to return all school textbooks and materials prior to changing or transferring schools.



All students in grades 4 and 5 participate in the District music program.  Early in the year, students must decide whether to take a class in vocal or instrumental music.  Classes are held every other day, alternating with P.E.  Each group participates in a vocal or instrumental concert later in the year that involves music students throughout the District.



Parents are assured access to their child’s school records.  They can also be confident that school employees respect the privacy of students’ records.  School officials recognize that only pertinent and factual information should be contained in the permanent records of students.  Please call the school office for procedures for reviewing students’ records.



Parents are encouraged to volunteer in a classroom at Tahhan Child Care Elementary School.  Teachers need help in areas as varied as listening to children read, helping write their dictated stories, as well as artistic pursuits such as helping with bulletin boards and special projects.  The volunteer program is coordinated by the PTA.  If you are interested in helping, please contact the school office at (626) 852-4566 and we will connect you with the parent volunteer coordinator.  All volunteers are required to sign in at the school office upon arrival and must have a completed Volunteer Application on file in our office. Please see office personnel or the district website to obtain a volunteer application.



The parking lot is reserved for staff parking onlyIf you park in one of the spaces indicated as “Reserved” or “Staff,” you are parking in a school employee’s space.  There are handicap and visitor spaces located near the front of the school.  When parking spaces are unavailable, parents are expected to park off campus.


Cars MAY NOT park in the yellow loading zone in front of the school.  If you wish to walk your child to his or her class, you must park outside the lot and accompany them to class.  Do not drop off or pick up your child in the parking lot anywhere except at the yellow curb.  We do not want children to risk being injured by walking through the parking lot.  When picking up, if your child is not at the curb when you reach the yellow loading zone, please continue pulling forward as space permits.  Do not leave cars unattended, as we will ask you to pull forward as space permits.  When exiting the parking lot, remember there is no left turn at the end of the school day.  




If you wish to talk with your child’s teacher during the day, please telephone the office either prior to school starting or after school is out.  If the teacher is not available at the time you call, a message will be taken by the office and given to the teacher.  Office personnel are available for phone calls between 7:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  Please do not hesitate to call the school during these hours.



Physical Education is required by state law.  If a student is unable to participate in the program for one to three days, a written excuse must be sent by the parent or guardian.  If a student is unable to participate for more than three days, a written statement from a physician is required.



If a problem arises regarding a particular subject, first consult the teacher since he or she will have first-hand information.  It is our belief that when a problem arises, the individual involved needs to be contacted.  Please follow the “chain of command” policy.  If a situation arises in the classroom, contact the classroom teacher first.  If the problem is not resolved, then the principal may be contacted.



Teachers may notify parents of student progress in different ways.  Some teachers send weekly reports, others may telephone, and some arrange special communications for students having difficulties.  However, all parents whose children are at risk of receiving a grade of below basic or unsatisfactory citizenship will receive an official progress report at the mid-point of the grading period.



A school psychologist is assigned to Tahhan Child Care School.  The psychological services are coordinated through the Special Education Department at our District office.  The psychologist tests and works individually and in small groups with our Special Education students. 



We are fortunate to have a very active PTA at Tahhan Child Care School.  We encourage all parents to join.  We recognize that not all parents can be active participants, but through membership, a parent expresses support and interest in our school.  A membership drive is held at the beginning of each school year.


In accordance with the National and California State PTA, its objectives are to:

  • Promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
  • Raise the standard of home life.
  • Secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
  • Bring into closer relation the home and school; that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
  • Develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, and social, and spiritual education.


Among the activities and programs the PTA has helped to sponsor recently are:  awards assemblies and school spirit days, school yearbooks, book fairs, enrichment assemblies, field trips, equipping our school with emergency supplies for disaster preparedness, and various fundraising activities to finance these programs.


An executive board, elected by the general membership of the association, handles administrative and procedural decisions concerning PTA.  Budget approval and major policy decisions are made by vote of the general membership.


For parents who are interested in active involvement in PTA, a variety of volunteer opportunities are available.  If you have ideas or time to contribute, please leave a message for the PTA president at the school office at

(626) 852-4566.



School personnel monitor the parking lot from 7:45 a.m. through 8:15 a.m.  Supervision is also provided for students arriving for our breakfast program beginning at 7:45 a.m. in the school cafeteria.  School personnel provide supervision during recesses and lunch periods.  Please be aware that there is NO SUPERVISION of students prior to 7:45 a.m. and after dismissal.



Recess is provided for children to have a period of physical activity, social interaction, and restroom breaks.  Staff is provided for supervision outdoors only.  There are no facilities or staff available for children to remain indoors during recess, however, facilities are provided during times of intense heat and inclement weather.


During recess children are expected to follow playground safety rules.  If they do not follow rules, they may be asked to sit in a designated area.  Serious infractions of the rules will result in a referral to the principal.



The Resource Specialist Program provides directly or indirectly, instructional and other services for students whose needs have been identified by the school’s Individual Study Team (IST), through educational assessment, and the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).  Students are assigned to regular classroom teachers for the majority of the school day and receive Resource Specialist services as determined by the IEP team.



At the beginning of each school year and at periodic intervals through the year, safety instruction is given to all students.  Parents should also help their children learn the proper and safe way to travel to and from school.  A route should be planned by the parents and reviewed with their children.  This route should be used daily with full regard to sidewalks, street crossing, bike lanes, parking lot safety, and the property of others.  All students who must cross Bennett Avenue should do so at the traffic light at Bennett and Grand. 


Parents may not park along the yellow painted curb.  There is absolutely no parking in areas painted red.  If parking on the south side of Bennett, please accompany your child using the crosswalk at the signal.



The Tahhan Child Care School Improvement Program (SIP) is funded by the state and strengthens the classroom program through added staff and materials.  SIP goals are to expand and enrich the traditional classroom experience and permit the school to offer improved auxiliary services to all students, as well as to involve parents.  It is monitored by the School Site Council composed of both parents and school representatives who are responsible for developing a plan for school improvement, assessing the plan’s effectiveness, and recommending budget priorities.  Parents are encouraged to participate in this improvement program.  Members of the School Site Council are elected from among parents, certificated, and classified personnel.  The principal is also a member.  Meetings are held regularly during the school year.  This group works with teachers and other staff in planning, implementing, and evaluating the School Improvement Program.  This program is reviewed every fourth year by an outside team composed of teachers and administrators of other districts.



As mandated by California State Law, we have a sequential, organized, discipline plan that has been developed by parents and staff members.  The teachers inform students of these rules frequently during the school year.  Parents are sent a copy of the school rules at the beginning of each school year.  We request that parents sign the form at the bottom of the rules and return it to their child’s teacher.  The school rules and consequences are also contained within this handbook.



It is the role of the School Site Council (SSC) to implement the plan for the School Improvement Program (SIP).  The SSC is composed of ten elected members.  These members include the principal, three elected teachers, one elected classified employee, and five elected parents.  School Site Council members must attend all SSC meetings and serve a two-year term.  These meetings are open to everyone.  If you would like to know more about the school curriculum or have valuable input, please attend the SSC meetings.



Sexual harassment includes verbal, visual, or physical conduct on the basis of sex that has the effect of creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment.  Sexual harassment at school or school activities is prohibited by law.



For the welfare of our students, the District’s smog policy adheres to the standards for episode levels and protective action recommended by the Air Quality Management District.  After the District office is alerted of an episode, it contacts each school.  In turn, the school office notifies each classroom of the smog episode.  Day care facilities are notified after school hours.  Episodes are most commonly called in late afternoon in Glendora.  Smog episode levels:


  • Unhealthful – Exceeds Federal Clean Air Standards – At this level susceptible individuals, such as those with heart and lung diseases, should minimize outdoor activity.
  • Health Advisory Episode – At this level everyone, including healthy adults and children, should avoid prolonged vigorous outdoor exercise.  Susceptible individuals, especially those with heart or lung disease, should avoid outdoor activity.
  • Stage 1 – Elderly people and sensitive individuals, including all school children, must minimize all physical activity.  Specifically, youth organized games and activities will be postponed until the alert is lifted.
  • Stage 2 – The same instructions as Stage 1 should be followed except everyone should avoid all outdoor activity.
  • Stage 3 – In addition to the instructions in Stages 1 and 2, everyone should remain indoors with all windows and doors closed.  Avoid all physical activity and do not drive.



The Glendora Unified School District does not provide student accident or medical insurance coverage.  Student accident insurance is available through a private carrier.  The forms are sent home at the start of each school year.



Students in Grades K-5 may wish to bring nutritious and healthy snacks to eat at the picnic tables during the recess time.  Gum, candy, and sodas are not allowed.



Students identified as requiring individual or small group assistance because of learning needs may participate in the Special Education Program.  Services provided by Special Education include a Special Day Class, Resource Specialist, Speech Therapist, Psychologist, Occupational Therapy and Adaptive Physical Education.



The Speech/Language Specialist assists children who have articulation and/or oral language difficulties and serves Tahhan Child Care students daily.  Parents or teachers may make referrals for observation or diagnostic assessment.  The Speech/Language Specialist is available on an appointment basis to discuss your child’s speech and language capabilities and suggestions for development.



A child is considered tardy if not ready to enter the classroom with fellow students at 8:15 a.m.  Every late pupil must report to the office to get an admittance slip before entering the classroom.  The number of tardies per trimester will be recorded on the student’s report card.  Students with repeated tardies will be referred to the principal. 


Please help your child to develop good habits of punctuality by planning your family’s morning schedule to allow your child to arrive on campus in a timely manner.  Having students entering the classrooms late is disruptive to the rest of the class and the tardy child misses valuable instruction.  Poor attendance usually results in lower grades.  Statewide studies show a high correlation between attendance, grades, and success on achievement tests.



Teachers evaluate the progress of their students in a variety of ways.  Included may be diagnostic procedures, observation, record-keeping, teacher-developed tests, district benchmark assessments, and standardized tests.  State-mandated tests (SBAC) are administered each spring for students in grades 3-5 and results are reported by August.  Teachers welcome inquiries from parents at any time concerning their child’s progress.



Basic books and workbooks are supplied to students for their use during the school year.  Students are responsible for all books issued to them during the year; and if damaged or lost, must pay for them.  All money collected is used for replacement purposes.  Money will be refunded if the book is found.  Books need to come to school each day.  Instruction is disrupted when students arrive to class without required textbooks and materials.



We ask students to be thoughtful of others both inside and outside of school buildings.  Items that might disrupt class or cause injuries should be left at home.  These include rollerblades, skateboards, Heelies, baseballs, bats, cell phones, iPods, MP3 Players, electronic games, radios, headphones, candy, gum, toys, yo-yos, and other similar objects.  The school does not assume responsibility for expensive jewelry worn to school.


Money should not be brought to school unless needed for lunch and/or book fairs.  Money for photographs and fundraising should be paid by check unless otherwise directed by the school.  Students are responsible for their own money.  Please send all money in an envelope or wallet.  Loose money or money placed in pockets is quickly lost.



All visitors are required to report to the school office upon arriving on campus.  Parent volunteers who are working in the classrooms must also check in at the office before reporting to the classroom.  Visitors and volunteers must wear badges during the regular school day.  Parents may request to visit their child’s classroom.  Please call the school office in advance in order to schedule a mutually convenient time with the teacher.  Students from other schools or siblings of Tahhan Child Care School students will not be permitted to visit during the school hours.




Discipline Plan Mission Statement


Students, parents and school staff need to be partners in making Tahhan Child Care Elementary School a safe place and one in which learning can occur without disruption.  Through active cooperation we will promote academic success and positive social interaction.


School Rules

One of the most important characteristics of an effective school is a safe and orderly learning environment. Tahhan Child Care Elementary School staff realizes the importance of maintaining order and discipline.  The staff enforces firm, fair, and consistent discipline.  Staff, students, and parents are responsible for maintaining a safe and orderly environment.  Students are held strictly accountable for their behavior in school or on their way to and from school.  Each student will be responsible for maintaining a positive school environment by demonstrating self-control and respect toward people and property.  All staff will consistently apply the following rules:


General Rules

  1. Be respectful to adults and to each other.
  2. Students are expected to come to school prepared.
  3. It is expected that each student will maintain high standards of courtesy, decency, clean speech, honesty, and respectful behavior.
  4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  5. Stay in assigned areas.
  6. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  7. Use equipment and facilities properly.
  8. Walk in the hallways and on the blacktop, except for designated games.
  9. Use appropriate language.
  10. Do not litter.
  11. Students are not to be in a classroom, computer lab, or library unless a staff member is present.
  12. Bicycles and scooters should be walked on the blacktop and walkways before and after school.  Heelie wheels must be removed before entering campus.
  13. No weapons or weapon look-alikes on school grounds.


Rules To and From School

  1. Walk on the sidewalks.  Where there are no sidewalks, walk on the far left side of the street.
  2. Cross streets only at intersections or where crosswalks are available.  Students should not cross through the parking lot.
  3. Skateboards, roller blades and roller skates may not be brought to school.
  4. When school is dismissed, students are to go directly home or the place designated by their parents.  Students dismissed at 2:05 p.m. who wait for siblings should wait for them at the lunch tables in the patio area.
  5. Students will be held accountable for their behavior as they travel to and from school.
  6. Students are expected to follow pedestrian and bicycle safety laws and guidelines.
  7. Students are not to arrive on the school grounds before 8:00 a.m. unless buying breakfast which starts at 7:45 a.m.  Once at school, no student is to leave the school grounds without permission from the office.


Playground Rules

  1. Students are not to be on the playground before 8:00 a.m.
  2. During break times, all hallways are to be cleared.  Students may not stand or play on the sidewalk in front of any classroom.  No loitering in or near restrooms.
  3. All games are open.
  4. At no time are students to climb on backstops, trees or fences.


Playground RuleS (continued)

  1. Students are not to play games involving physical contact.  For example: play fighting, tackle football, karate, riding on one another’s back, etc.
  2. Students may not kick balls nor run on the blacktop areas (exceptions are basketball or dodge ball).  Balls are not permitted in the wood chip areas; jelly balls are only allowed on the blacktop.
  3. All food, drinks, and snacks must be consumed at the lunch tables. Chewing gum is not permitted at school.
  4. Only school equipment is allowed on the playground during breaks with the exception of baseball gloves.  No games, toys, dolls, etc. from home are permitted on the playground.  The school takes no responsibility for lost or damaged items brought from home.
  5. Throwing of rocks, sticks or any other projectiles, other than playground balls, is not allowed and will result in an immediate referral to the principal. Balls are not to be kicked or hit against buildings.
  6. Play equipment is to be used safely (no jumping off swings, going backwards down a slide, leaping off bars, standing or walking on hanging bars, etc.).  No playing tag or running on playground equipment.  Students may not use sweatshirts to go down or hang on playground equipment (poles/slides).  One person at a time on the rock wall.
  7. When the bell rings all play stops, students freeze and must wait for the whistle, and then walk to the designated areas for lining up.  No drinks or going to the restroom after the bell rings. 
  8. Students may not leave the playground without teacher permission.  Students are not to leave school grounds during school hours without office permission.
  9. Children should wear shoes suitable for participation in physical education activities.  Students may not wear sandals or open-toe shoes.


Cafeteria Rules

  1. Food may be eaten at the lunch tables only, not on the playground.
  2. Glass containers are not allowed at school.
  3. Students must raise their hands after finishing their lunches in order to be dismissed by one of the adults.
  4. Stand quietly in the lunch line and keep hands to yourself.  Students who are misbehaving in the lunch line will be sent to the end of the line.
  5. There are no “cuts” in line or saving places for friends.
  6. When entering the cafeteria, follow the directions of the supervisor.
  7. Use a soft, quiet voice in the cafeteria.
  8. No gum, candy, canned sodas, or glass containers may be brought to school.
  9. Children may leave their seat only with the permission of an adult.
  10. Leave your table and lunch area as clean as possible.
  11. No toys or balls may be brought into the cafeteria.
  12. Parents are not allowed to sit or stand in the patio area during breakfast and lunch.


Assembly Rules

  1. Walk to and from the cafeteria.
  2. Stay with your group at all times.
  3. Enter the cafeteria quietly and sit down.
  4. Stay sitting flat on the floor so that those behind you may see.
  5. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  6. While waiting, speak softly to those nearest you.
  7. Stop talking immediately when the hand signal for silence is given.
  8. Be good listeners and courteous to those speaking and performing.
  9. To show appreciation, applaud only.
  10. At the end of the assembly, remain seated and wait until your group is excused.
  11. Return to your class quietly.



  1. Students in grades 3-5 only may ride bicycles or scooters to school.
  2. Bikes are to be parked in the bicycle parking area and locked to the rack.  Each bicycle must have its own lock.
  3. The school cannot assume responsibility for damaged or lost bicycles.
  4. The bicycle area is OFF LIMITS for play and no one is to be in that area except to park or retrieve one’s own bike.
  5. Bicycles may not be ridden in the halls or on the grounds at any time.  When entering and leaving the school grounds, walk the bicycle to and from the street.
  6. Bicycle safety rules are to be observed including:
    1. One rider per bike
    2. Use proper hand signals
    3. Ride with the traffic on the street
    4. Walk bicycles across busy intersections
    5. Obey all state rules and regulations
    6. Yield right-of-way to pedestrians



  1. In order to ride scooters to school, students need to be able to lock them to the bicycle rack behind the school office.
  2. Unless scooters are locked to the bicycle rack, they will not be allowed on campus due to a lack of storage space in the classrooms.



Consequences for inappropriate behavior should correspond to the severity of the offense.  The specific consequence for offenses will be left to the discretion of school personnel who will take into consideration the individual child and particular offense.  Consequences for infractions may include, but are not limited to the following:


  1. Warning or informal talk with staff member.
  2. “Benching” or “time out” on the playground.
  3. Detention after school.  Parents will be notified if detention exceeds 15 minutes.
  4. Writing assignment related to the situation to be signed by parent.
  5. Parent, teacher, and/or student conference.
  6. Phone call to parent.
  7. Referral to principal.
  8. Removal from class.
  9. Exclusion from school activities, assemblies, or field trips.
  10. Parents may be asked to spend the day in class.
  11. Suspension or expulsion.  District suspension and expulsion policies may be obtained upon request.



Students will be sent to the principal immediately for the following reasons:

  1. Disrespect or foul language
  2. Damage to school property
  3. Disruptive in classrooms or learning environment
  4. Fighting


The principal will notify the parent of any such incident.  Students who are involved in the above circumstances may be suspended from school.  There will be serious consequences for those students who continually break school rules or commit an act as outlined in the California Education Code, Section 48900.  Consequences may include exclusion from school activities, suspension, and/or expulsion.



Positive Consequences for Following School Rules

Rewards will be given for exceptional citizenship.  Awards may include principal parties, excursions, stickers, telephone calls to parents by the principal, free play, or assisting in other classes.


In conclusion, staff, parents, and students have cooperatively developed the Tahhan Child Care Elementary School Discipline Plan.  All parents are provided access to viewing or downloading a copy by visiting our school web site.  Students receive frequent reminders about school rules from our staff.



In accordance with the California Administrative Code, Title 5, Section 302, students shall be neat, clean, and properly attired for school.  It is the parent’s responsibility to see that their children are dressed for school in a safe, appropriate manner for learning.  Please use this information as you plan your children’s school wardrobe.


The following are the standards of dress for students:

  1. Students need to wear shoes that fit securely with non-skid soles.  Tennis shoes are ideal.  Backless shoes, open-toed shoes, sandals of any kind, cleats, shoes with a high heel are not permitted, and anything the administration deems inappropriate.  Skate shoes/Heelies are not permitted.
  2. Hats with a brim and no logo are permitted at recess and P.E.  Brim must face forward, not backwards.  No scarfs or bandanas.
  3. Half shirts, crop tops, tube tops, see-through shirts, halter tops, shirts with straps of less than 2” width, or short shorts are not permitted.  Pants with holes are not permitted.
  4. Shirts or blouses that advertise items illegal for minors (such as alcohol or tobacco), contain profanity, violence (such as skulls, crossbones, knives, or weapons) or contain suggestive double meanings are not allowed.
  5. Attire or grooming worn or displayed in such a way as to identify students with gangs/hate groups is not permitted (e.g., T-shirts with gang symbols, wallet chains, baggy pants, etc.) are not permitted.  Earrings, bracelets or belts with dangling metal hoops, spikes or oversized studs are not permitted.
  6. Hair painting, tattoos, and body art are inappropriate and not permitted (hair painting will only be acceptable for Halloween and special spirit/PTA events).


The District takes a strong stance against gang-affiliated clothing and/or other styles of dress or grooming affiliated with gangs/hate groups due to safety concerns for students while at school or going to and coming from school.  Because of changing trends in such attire, specific clothing, jewelry, accessories and/or grooming style restrictions may change during the school year.  Notice will be given to students and parents or guardians as soon as it is reasonably possible after these trends have been identified with the assistance of local law enforcement authorities.


We hope this list will help you determine those clothes that will positively influence your child’s school experience.  When in doubt, parents are urged to contact the school prior to purchasing clothing or accessories which might be restricted from school wear as a gang-affiliated item.


Teachers may use their discretion in deciding if a student’s dress is appropriate.  Any time a member of the staff believes that a student is disrupting the educational process by his/her appearance, or when the student’s safety is concerned, the teacher may send the student to the office.  Students whose dress is inappropriate will be removed from the class until the dress is corrected.  We request that students not wear make-up, tattoos, or dye their hair nonstandard colors such as green, blue, etc.  Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.


The Tahhan Child Care School Song


Be true to your school, Tahhan Child Care

Its colors are green and white

Remember your Alma Mater

Where we learned to read and write



The lion stalks, king of Glendora

His pride, we are proud and strong!

Yes we’ll be true, ‘cause we love you,

Together we will go on.


Be kind to your friends and neighbors

Be good for your teachers, too.

Remember the things you learn here,

Because it’s all just for you.



The lion stalks, king of Glendora

His pride, we are proud and strong!

Yes we’ll be true, ‘cause we love you,

Together we will go on.